Tuesday, May 29, 2007

SayObject.com Website is Up!

Say what?

That's right, our colorfully rad website, soon to be made all the more colorful by your participation, is up and ready to say it to an online community!

You can say it here, too, you know. Leave us your comments, on Paris Captured, for instance, and let us know how you are defining your world.


jill lion said...

I feel like we should somehow go and get Lindsay, and bring her to the basement of the Echo and tie her up. Well, first bathe her and then tie her up. Like Black Snake Moan but actually White Feminist Moan. And then we can bring every single girl and woman in LA in to parade past her like James Brown's corpse, and then we can move to areas and have conversations. Okay screw the conversations. We need ACTION. Anna Nicole is dead, Paris is carrying a copy of the Secret to prison, the time is now now now to take the world back... but how?

we gotta do something. but what?

BAC said...

My mantra is "don't agonize, ORGANIZE!" ... which is exactly what you are doing! There are hundreds of progressive bloggers -- women and men -- who are ready to help spread the word about what films to hiss, what films to miss and what production companies to harass. YOU are in a position to let US know what is coming to a theatre near us soon. Depriving these men of the one thing they value more than their Viagra -- $$$$$ -- is the only way to get their attention.


amykins said...

I think we need to get media attention on positive role models. When all you see is lindsey lohan, paris hilton, and the train wreck that is britney spears in the media, young girls and women have nothing else to notice.
Instead of those mtv shows that make it look cute to be spoiled, brainless and skanky (ie. lagunna beach, my super sweet 16, the "Real" world, Next, etc etc etc.), why cant we get a half hour show on the air somewhere that shows everyday lives of real women who do great things!? that embrace their individual identities? smart savvy business women, volunteers, women atheletes, writers, poets, theater performers, and just the average lady on the street whos pretty damn cool? I sure as hell would watch something like that. Instead of "bridezilla" (how is that on the womens entertainment?? W.E. my ass.) or "the real housewives of orange county". *puke*
I truly believe that if simply given the option for more quality real enlightning entertainment, young girls and women would watch it.